السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااته
انا غير متزوجه وعمري 26 ماعليكم امر انا عندي تقرير وابغي ترجمه له سويت اشعة بالرنين المغناطيسي وماعرف شو في التقريرر وعندي واايد اسئله اتمنى انكم تساعدوني وهذا هو نص التقرير utilizing a 1.0 Tesla Philips Panorama High field Open MR Imaging system, the pelvis and bilateral hip joints were imaged using the following :- Axial - STIR , T1\SE : T2\TSE : Coronal - STIR , T1\SE , T2 TSE The study reveals evidence of a right ovarian cyst. Remaining follicles of right ovary are seen displaced . Left ovary appears slightly bulky and shows multiple small follicles arranged at the periphery . Uterus is normal in size , shape and attenuation values. Endometrial stripe appears thickened measuring approximately 2.4 cm. Visualized bowel loops appear normal. Urinary bladder is partialiy distended and appears normal. No significant free fluid seen in pelvis. No significant pelvic lymphadenopathy seen. IMPRESSION Findings are suggestive of: 1. A right ovarian cyst with few internal septations. 2. Bulky left ovary with multiple small follicles arranged at the periphery - ? polycystie ovarian disease. 3. Thickened endometrial stripe please correlate clinically وماتعني ربط سريرياا ؟؟ ارجوا المسااعده باسرع وقت ؟؟ |
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