هذه ياأختي النتائج الطبيعيه المتوقعه :
Volume: 2.0–5.0 mL.
pH: 7.2–8.0.
Sperm concentration: greater than or equal to 20 million per mL.
Sperm count: greater than or equal to 40 million per ejaculate.
Motility: Greater than or equal to 50% demonstrating forward progressive movement or 25% or more demonstrating rapid progressive movement. Prolonged abstinence may depress sperm motility. Frequent sperm a
utination suggests the presence of antisperm antibodies.
Morphology: Nonstrict criteria: greater than 60% normal sperm. Strict criteria: 15–40% normal sperm.
White blood cells: less than 1 million per mL.
Round cells: less than 5 million per mL.
Viability: equal to or greater than 75%.
Viscosity: droplets to threads less than 2 cm.
ومن النتائج السابقه يتضح ان لدى زوجك ضعف في عدد الحيوانات المنويه
وزيادة نسبة الخلايا المشوهه