بكل أسف....يمكن حدوث حمل
لا بد لنا ان نعلم..أن هنالك مجموعة من الحيوانات المنوية
الهاربة قبل حدوث عملية القذف
ولما كان الحمل يحتاج لحيوان منوي واحد من كل هذه الملايين
المقذوفة...لذا فاحتمالية الحمل واردة...
فقط تعتمد علي شكل وحركة الحيوان المنوية وحيويته
اضافة لتصادف وجوده في وقت إباضة
A. The method you practice is the form of incomplete coitus called coitus interruptus. This is an extremely )common practice and is usually implied to avoid pregnance by just b**** careful. Sexual intercourse takes place, but the penis is withdrawn immediately before ejaculation.
The method has advantage that they cost nothing and they require no special appliance. Nevertheless, they are not very reliable. The chances of pregnancy are still present. The control of ejaculation is always uncertain as in your case active sperms are often present in the pre-ejaculatory stage that is the stage just before you discharge your sperms, which escape from the penis. Sperm discharged just out side vagina again can ascend to the vagina. It is said that coitus interruptus is the most widely practiced of all methods of contraception in the committed couples, yet apart from having an occasional unwanted pregnancy. For the people who are not committed condom is safe method and sex should be practiced safely.)
[CENTER]مُتَفَرِّدٌ بصَبَابَتي ، مُتَفَرِّدٌ
بكَآبَتي ، مُتَفَرِّدٌ بعَنَائِي
شَاكٍ إِلَى البَحْرِ اضْطِرَابَ خَوَاطِرِي
فَيُجيبُني برِيَاحِهِ الهَوْجَاءِ
ثَاوٍ عَلَى صَخْرٍ أَصَمََّ ، وَلَيْتَ لي
قَلْبَاً كَهَذِي الصَّخْرَةِ الصَّمَّاء[/CENTER]